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Re: [DebianGIS] Web pages showing tasks

On Fri, 29 Feb 2008, Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:

Yes, I'm available at least for my level of competences. I would hope
someone would propose web services also for other systems such
as PTS and so on. Creating some meta-package useful for CDDs would
be useful.

It's done for science and I think I have heard from Petter that he
started for Debian-GIS.  Petter?
If there is any preliminary work like tasks files is there anything
in SVN?  My suggestion would be


but other locations might work as well.

And surely collecting requirements by working groups
is a challenge.

Well, I would like to call these working groups CDDs.  Perhaps
the name sounds like overkill but we once settled down with this
name (even if I never felt it apropriate, but that's another matter
and I hate naming discussions).

Kind regards



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