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Re: Joining the Go packaging team

On 30/10/2021 04:51, Mathias Gibbens wrote:
> Hello,
>   I would like to join the Go packaging team on salsa. I'm not yet a
> DM/DD, but I do have a salsa account; my username is gibmat.

Granted! Welcome on board :)

>   One question I do have for the team: how do you handle re-
> introduction of Go packages that existed in Debian before, but for one
> reason or another were then removed from the archive? For example,
> golang-github-juju-schema (RM'ed as it was a leaf dependency for
> another Go package that an individual was working on packaging) or
> golang-github-juju-testing (RM'ed because of dependency on mongodb; I
> suspect we'll just drop the mongodb-specific parts of that library).
> Both those packages still have git repositories on salsa.

The Debian policy has a section on this topic [1].

Basically it depends on the use case, if it's is essential for the
package you're working on, then brushing up and reintroducing the package
make sense of course. These things happens and packages gets reintroduced
because someone else has the need. Make sure to check why the package has
been removed tho, it may give useful pointers.

On the other hands, if the package is only a test dependencies and like
used only a few times (this notion is relative) then I would think of
reintroducing it 'too much'. (of course it's my own opinion). In this case
I would write a patch to remove the usage of the package, and even submit the
patch upstream maybe? (Why everyone is rewriting their own test library these
days instead of using what std provides :D)

I guess you should compare the two options and follow the one that feels 'best'
(i.e (re)introducing a package is work, take time to maintain, etc... while sometime
if it's only used a few time, a patch could be helpful). But again it's mostly my own

>   I will be following the ITP/RFS pattern for packages that I work on,
> although for the first couple ones I'll likely ask this group for some
> focused critique to ensure I'm creating good Go packages for Debian.

Sure thing! Have fun with the process.

> Thanks,
> Mathias


[1]: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/pkgs.en.html#reintroducing-packages

Aloïs Micard <creekorful@debian.org>

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