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Re: Salsa team request


>> https://salsa.debian.org/debian this group is restricted to DD. If you
>> become DD, you will be added automatically. This group has a different
>> policy to https://salsa.debian.org/go-team group.

Okay I understand now. Thank you for this information.

>> Because your intention is unclear to me. You said you want to
>> contribute to https://salsa.debian.org/debian/podman-toolbox, which is
>> not covered by the go-team group on salsa.

I had two requests originally. The first was to be able to apply the patch for golang-github-containers-toolbox, which you and Andrej addressed. The second was to join the go-team group on salsa because I have other packages that I am working on riscv patches for (golang-github-appc-docker2aci, golang-github-hashicorp-raft-boltdb, and hopefully others). I apologize for any confusion.

> This was an oversight — I usually disable features I don’t use to reduce cluttering of the interface, probably I ticked an extra box by mistake :)

> Ileana, please go ahead an fork + submit a merge request with your changes. I’ll be happy to review and upload.

That is okay Andrej and thank you for the response. I just created merge requests after updating the upstream and adding my riscv patch. Please let me know if there are any issues. I saw that my bug report and patch from several months ago had not been seen yet which is why I wanted to check if I could address it myself.


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