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Re: GNOME-2 transition: a first complaint

>> "MH" == Marek Habersack <grendel@debian.org> writes:


> User. For me, personally, all those changes look a bit backwards - that's
> why my question, is there any plan to restore, or at least provide in some
> other means, the old configuration capabilities of both Sawfish and GNOME? 

Read bellow :-)))))))))


From: John Harper <jsh@unfactored.org>
Subject: Re: Usability in perspective: 2.0/1.1-gtk2
To: Mark Hazen <markh@markh.com>
Cc: sawfish@lists.eazel.com
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 01:49:55 -0700
X-Mailer: Jade 4.0-alpha

I don't have time to respond to this in detail, but I'm sure it will
come up again, so here is a general kind of response.

I guess the main reason for pruning the visible options is twofold: (1)
most of the options removed were esoteric to say the least. I decided
that the complexity they added wasn't worth the minimal benefit. (2)
the more possible combinations of options possible, the more possible
bugs there are. I don't have the free time or motivation to support all
of these options properly.

My apologies to anyone whose favourite option is no longer in the UI (a
couple of mine went too), but overall I much prefer using the new
configuration interface.

Oh, and it had nothing to do with making people learn lisp. Or to "win
new users". To be honest, I don't care how many people use sawfish. I'm
eagerly awaiting the day that gnome decides to switch to metacity..


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