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Re: Remote AR-Cluster radio outlet using AXIP/UDP interface as spot source

I am currently running BPQ32 on a Win2000 Machine as the packet cluster feed for the local DX club. This is behind my home fire wall. The platform is an old 486 machine with a 133 processor upgrade. Amazingly this has been a very reliable set up sometimes running for months before the cable system hickups and I have to restart the Win2000 machine. I can't seem to get it to auto reconnect if the cable modem hickups. I think it is a Windows problem but might be a BPQ32.

I would be interested in trying a Linux version this fall to solve the restart problem. I am a bit busy right now.

I do agree that the UDP stuff is a good idea - I don't put any of my machines out in the real world. I have to run DHCP for the firewall as the cable provider won't issue me static IP without large provisions of cash on my part, so my IP can change at anytime. 

I use no-ip as host to redirect to my current IP. Works great.


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