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Re: Remote AR-Cluster radio outlet using AXIP/UDP interface as spot source

There is no problem...just that I wanted to announce this to any Linux hams
who might want to try to interface with my BPQ32 Windows2000 site using
Linux.  I would be interested in knowing how it works and how to set it up.

Ron N5IN

> I'm not familiar with BPQ32 (I did briefly run an 8-bit BPQ node many
> eons ago), but this is not really necessary with Linux.  I am running a
> DXSpider node here and am getting spots from VE7CC, who is running
> AR-Cluster with simply a telnet connection.  I have done this with and
> without a router/NAT masquerade box in the loop.  As far as I know,
> VE7CC is running the SV2AGW packet engine, not BPQ32.  Or am I missing
> the problem here?
> 73, Bob N7XY

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