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Re: Hurd and the Alpha

> What can I do to get HURD running on an alpha?
> where can I get the source to build the needed
> components?

The component you need to worry about first is the microkernel, which will
be a substantial task by itself before you worry about the (relatively much
easier) details of porting the Hurd.  There once was a port of CMU Mach 3.0
to the Alpha, and if you can track that down on the net it should not be
all that bad to merge its Alpha support into GNU Mach (which in its core
code is really not much changed from CMU Mach 3.0).  I imagine that a whole
lot more of the Alpha hardware in the world is supported by current Linux
and NetBSD versions than was supported by the Mach ports to be found (which
were done some years back and as far as I know not updated in a long time).

Another approach would be port OSKit-Mach to the Alpha, starting by porting
the OSKit to the Alpha.  If you want to take an oskit-based approach, then
you should be talking on oskit-users@cs.utah.edu; fortunately, there was a
recent posting there about someone else already planning an Alpha port of
the OSKit, which would give you a decent leg up on porting Mach.

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