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Re: [fpolacco@debian.org: Installed groff 1.16-0 (source i386)]

On Fri, Jun 16, 2000 at 10:54:30AM +0900, Atsuhito Kohda wrote:
> It is okay if I do 'groff -Tnippon -mandoc foo.1 | less'
> with two or three japanese manual pages.
> It also works fine 'groff -Tps -mandoc foo.1 > foo.ps' and
> 'lpr foo.ps' with japanese manual pages.
> Of course 'man foo' works well with english manual pages
> but it does not display Japanese characters at all with
> Japanese manual pages.  Perhaps this is a problem of man-db
> or something else and not of groff itself.

I'm surprized.
I was expecting other reactions, but I got no more messages after this
on this thread.
>From the tone of your message, I imagine that you were "expecting" man
not to display japanese characters.
I think it was quite the contrary, at least with mna and groff in
unstable. I had report that both worked for japanese and other asian

Can somebody confirm this?
Is there a problem with japanization of groff-1.16 ?

On the other side, groff upstream maintainer is not willing to accept
our patches for japanese (he also refused patches for east-europe
languages) as he wants to be done differently, and probably in a better
way. but this effort will make more and more difficult to maintain our
japanization while upstream groff changes more and more.

What to do? any idea?
Amybe the best would be to join him to help in his effort, and get a new
16 bit clean groff!

| fab@pukki.ntc.nokia.com                     fpolacco@debian.org
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| fabrizio.polacco@nokia.com             gsm: +358 (0)40 707 2468

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