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multibyte character support on groff (Re: [fpolacco@debian.org: Installed groff 1.16-0 (source i386)])


In <[🔎] 20000621125609.A3194@none>,
 at "Wed, 21 Jun 2000 12:56:09 +0300",
 with "Re: [fpolacco@debian.org: Installed groff 1.16-0 (source i386)]",
  Fabrizio Polacco <fpolacco@debian.org> writes:

> On the other side, groff upstream maintainer is not willing to accept
> our patches for japanese (he also refused patches for east-europe
> languages) as he wants to be done differently, and probably in a better
> way. but this effort will make more and more difficult to maintain our
> japanization while upstream groff changes more and more.

Hmm, well. If he can do better, then we won't complain at all.

> What to do? any idea?
> Maybe the best would be to join him to help in his effort, and get a new
> 16 bit clean groff!

He already add the utf-8 support (though I have not checked it),
so I hope he can add a better support for i18n and l10n.

Multi-language support with utf-8 is really great, but I think it is
not enough for us.  We need the support for euc-jp at the current 
level at least.  I am okay to help him in order to accomplish this.

I think I can check his code to see if it can show Japanese characters
correctly. Some of our members also can do it, I hope.

  Taketoshi Sano: <sano@debian.org>,<sano@debian.or.jp>,<kgh12351@nifty.ne.jp>

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