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Re: broken IPv6 code

Brian May <bam@debian.org> writes:

> >>>>> "Peter" == Peter Cordes <peter@llama.nslug.ns.ca> writes:
>     Peter>  Hmm, if that's the case, then if you only bind to the
>     Peter> ipv6-wildcard socket, another process could bind to the
>     Peter> ipv4-wildcard socket on the same port and intercept the
>     Peter> connections you were expecting to receive.  If the port is
>     >> 1023, then that is a real security problem.
> If you are worried that an application might bind to a port (IPv6 with
> IPv4 support implied) and have it taken over by an IPv4 application, I
> would be surprised if this is an issue.

 Why wouldn't it be an issue ?
 Either it lets another uid do it and so is a major security problem,
or it doesn't ... and bind calls can magically fail (say you have a
daemon that has random uid's for each network connected process
... then the calls will fail).
 Personally I think it should always fail, or that bind()'ing ipv6
address shouldn't do anything with any ipv4 ones.

>     Peter>  Just thought I'd point that out, in case not everybody had
>     Peter> thought of this yet :)
> I similar issue is if you run a daemon and another program is already
> listening for incoming connections on that port (whether IPv4 or IPv6
> or whatever), then both daemons will happily run, but only one will
> accept incoming connections.

 But the one that failed will have been told so with -1 and errno.
 In the ipv4/ipv6 example one process is getting the connections, and
then later is suddenly not getting them without any notice. This is
like the old hole where binding to a specific interface overrode a
bind to INADDR_ANY.

> Personally (although I may be uniformed), I think the Linux approach
> is stupid - you can't bind to all addresses returned by getaddrinfo
> without either (a) skipping IPv4 addresses or (b) ignoring the return
> value from bind. Applications should not have to deal with IPv4 as a
> special case.

 So if you support ipv6 and ipv4 do 2 bind()'s for INADDR_ANY (and the
ipv6 equivalent). If both fail, then fail. If you have configured with
specific interfaces then fail/warn if any fail. Just don't go calling
hostname() and then getnameinfo() pretending you know what you are
 It might be nice if there was a bind(IF_ANY, INADDR_ANY) type call so
apps wouldn't need to be changed for ipv8 etc. ... but that's an API

> IPv6 should be treated as a unique protocol, just like any other
> protocol supported by the sockets API. If this is not possible for
> reasons I don't understand, then the API should be changed so that
> applications can be protocol independent (eg. getaddrinfo shouldn't
> return IPv4 addresses in this case).

 Yeh it might be nice if this was the last change in the socket() API
for a while at least.

# James Antill -- james@and.org
* ^From: .*james@and.org

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