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Re: General questions setting up IPv6 on my playground (Linux Debian Woody)

On Tue, Aug 03, 2004 at 10:33:04AM +0200, Sebastian Niehaus wrote:
> [...]
> I installed the client for Freenet6-tunneling on that maschine.
> [...]
> the ppp0 interface is down at te moment, dont't worry. If it is up, I
> could ping6 3ffe:bc0:8000::3ebf, the address of the tunnel
> endpoint. Fine :-)
> What confuses me is the netmask of the link addres of eth0: 
> |           inet6 addr: fe80::201:2ff:fe26:f7a7/10 Scope:Link
> which I /thought/ to be at least uncommon. I double checked my
> interfaces setup but there is no definition of any IPv6 adressing
> around.

 I don't know.  That seems odd to me too, but I got v6 working over a year
ago, and haven't really payed attention to it since.  What kernel version
are you running on toxic?

> Okay, so we have a look at the other maschine: 

 s/maschine/machine/  That's your English lesson for today :)

> [...]
> I thought, auto configuration would get a step further and let me
> ping6 between the maschines but it dind't - prabably because the IPv6
> adresses ar misconfigured.

 try ping6 -I eth0.  link-local addresses need to know which link.

> Any idea , why this misconfiguration
> happened? I tried to initialize the interfaces again, but that didn`t
> change anything).
> Du I need to run radvd? I already tried: again: No success au all
> althoug radvddump shows, that advertisements are transmitted.

 Yes, you need it.

> My configuration file (which has been generated by tspc[2])
> | niehaus@toxic:~$ cat  /etc/radvd.conf 
> | interface eth0
> | {
> |  AdvSendAdvert on;
> |  prefix 3ffe:0bc0:10ab:0001::/64
> |  {
> |  AdvOnLink on;
> |  AdvAutonomous on;
> |  };
> | };

 That's what I have for my freenet6 setup.  (Exactly the same as yours, but
I have eth0 instead of ppp0.)  Mine came from freenet6, and it works.  Other
Linux machines on my home LAN get 3ffe addresses.  Hmm, for some reason
tsps2.freenet6.net doesn't seem to be talking to me anymore. :(  But I have
ssh over ipv6 working internally.

> running radvd on "toxic" (which has IPv6 connectivity) makes appear
> announcments on crystalline:
> [...]
> ... but I don't observe any IPv6 reconfiguration. BTW:
> [...]
> Can vou give me any hints what I am missing?

 Maybe crystalline's kernel has already given up on v6 autoconfig?  check
dmesg (and /var/log/dmesg) for stuff like eth0: no IPv6 routers found.  If
you take eth0 on crystalline down and up again (i.e. with ifup or ifconfig),
the kernel might pay attention to radvd's messages.

#define X(x,y) x##y
Peter Cordes ;  e-mail: X(peter@cor , des.ca)

"The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish the hours!
 Confound him, too, who in this place set up a sundial, to cut and hack
 my day so wretchedly into small pieces!" -- Plautus, 200 BC

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