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標題: Re: IPv6 DNS server and tspc client setting

Dear Sir :

Yes, your are correct , the www.hexago.om does not
reply ping6 . 

By using traceroute6 , I found the sit ipv6.heago.com
which did reply to my ping6.


1. How the DNS can be resolved in Ipv6 if there
> are no root DNS server in the Ipv6 Internet. 

Refer to your reply, 

Do you means that an DNS query starting by the IpV6
host in the Ipv6 Interent which will be able to reach
the Ipv4 root server than resolve it back . To make
myself clear on this concept, it may look like the
following DNS querying path :

Ipv6 Host --- send DNS query (i.e. www.abc.com) -- >
Ipv6 Internet 

Ipv6 Internet -- forward DNS Query  www.abc.com to)--
> Ipv4 Root server ( in Ipv4 Internet) .

Ipv4 Root server ( in Ipv4 Internet) -- querry the
abc.com DNS server -> abc.com DNS server

abc.com DNS server --- reply Ipv6 address for
www.abc.com --- > Ipv6 host ( in Ipv6 Internet)

Does it work in this way ?

Please correct me if I am wrong.

K. M. Lau
--- Wouter Verhelst <wouter@debian.org> 說:

> On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 05:23:39PM +0800,
> kmlhk79-ipv6@yahoo.com.hk wrote:
> > Dear All:
> > 
> > I am using an old P133MHz CPU to run Sarge with
> > kennel 2.4.27-2-586tsc as an internet gateway for
> my
> > local network.
> > 
> >  I want to config it become an IPv6 over Ipv4
> tunnel
> >  router as well.
> >  
> >  I have installed tspc client to connect Freenet6
> via
> >  HEXAGO. The Ipv6 address has been config for the
> >  eth0.
> >  
> >  However , when I try to run Ping6 to ping the
> > www.hexago.com, I could not got any ping reply.
> It would appear that your route isn't functional --
> either that, or
> hexago.com doesn't reply to pings.
> Try whether a traceroute6 towards hexago.com works;
> if it does, hexago
> doesn't reply to ping. If it doesn't, you'll know
> where it fails.

> [...]
> > However , I heard that there are no root DNS
> server on
> > Ipv6 Intenet unlike Ipv4 (but it may not be true).
> That's correct.
> > But can anyone tell me :
> > 
> > 1. How the DNS can be resolved in Ipv6 if there
> are no
> > root DNS server in the Ipv6 Internet. 
> Because IPv6 uses the same DNS servers as IPv4, just
> different RRs. An
> IPv4 address is put in the DNS by using an RR of
> type A; for IPv6, the
> type used is AAAA. You can have more than one RR for
> a single server;
> you could have some A records for IPv4, and some
> AAAA ones for IPv6.

> > 2. What will be the DSN server to put in to the
> > tspc.conf file ?
> Your regular IPv4 DNS server should work.
> > 3. Should I enable Bind9 to be my DNS server for
> Ipv6
> > ?
> If you want to publish your IPv6 addresses, then
> yes, you should use a
> DNS server that is capable of storing IPv6 RRs, such
> as Bind9.
> -- 
> The amount of time between slipping on the peel and
> landing on the
> pavement is precisely one bananosecond

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