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Ipv6 DNS and ipv4 host - Tranistion problem

Dear All:

Since IPv6 is using the root DNS server in Ipv4 to
search the DNS in the Internet.

It means that the Ipv4 only client Host may get a host
name resolved but with IPv6 address.

Assume that it is a pure Ipv4 client host, and the
Ipv6 Host only have IPv6 DNS record in the Ipv4 DNS
server. ( i.e. No Ipv4 DNS reccord).

The Ipv4 client host should got Host not find on that
host domain Name . 

It will be a problem when transition Ipv4 network to
Ipv6 network.

 Becasue we shall not want to keep the Ipv4 address
mapping record in Ipv4 DNS server when we transition
to Ipv6 network. 

However , do not keep DNS Ipv4 address mapping record
in DNS server will disconnect all the current
host/server visiting by the Ipv4 only client host form
internet ( can not resolve DNS).

This problem will post a strong resisit to transition
form Ipv4 to Ipv6 .

Are there any solution on this ?

Any comment on this ?

K. M. Lau

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