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Re: exim4 and maildrop

Ce jour Mon, 15 Nov 2004, simon raven a dit:

> Ce jour Mon, 15 Nov 2004, Mark Bucciarelli a dit:
> aah, good idea. i assume man maildrop will have that info. i was going
> to set the -V option but acccording to that man page -V isn't respected
> when run in delivery mode (-d).

ok, setting some logging up helped clarify a few things. for one thing
maildrop seems to have a hardcoded default of
/home/$LOGNAME/$CONFIGURED_MAILBOX. i have my mailstore in
/var/spool/courier/user and is in LDAP as such (plus username dir;
'Maildir' is configured eleswhere).

i have to explicitly specify what $HOME, $DEFAULT, etc. are. this cuts
down on flexibility. as to what's going on, i eventually figured out
that maildrop isn't getting $HOME properly from /etc/courier/maildroprc,
as i see this kind of thing in the log file i set up:

==> can't find include /.mailfilter

and /etc/courier/maildroprc:


#`test -r $INCLUDE/.mailfilter`
#if( $RETURNCODE != 0 )
#	{
#	log "==> can't find include "$INCLUDE"/.mailfilter"
#		exception {
#			include $INCLUDE/.mailfilter
#	}
#	if( $RETURNCODE == 0 )
#		log "include $INCLUDE/.mailfilter"

i used the above to test, despite it's being commented out; i do have it
working, but not *quite* 100% - 80-95% depending on your PoV.

AFAICT, it isn't getting env. vars. from the exim settings properly, and
thinks the file is in /.

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