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Re: Four Linux distros for kids ... Debian Junior not mentioned


Sorry for the late reply.

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez@kitware.com> wrote:
> Following up on Andreas mention of this blog post:
>    http://opensource.com/education/14/1/teaching-kids-linux
> and the fact that Debian Jr and doudoulinux were not mentioned,

Yeah, that's sad.

Seems quite late to start with six year olds, then they have probably
used computers for four or five years already.

> I'll be very interested to write a blog post for opensource.com,
> and talk about Debian Jr.
> The timing is perfect, because the site will be running a series
> on Open Source and Young adopters in the following weeks.


I have done quite a lot workshops for kids. Maybe that can be
something to write about also?

> However, since I'm new to Debian Jr.,  I will need help from
> any of you, on revising the draft of the blog post.

Absolutely! Maybe we can collaborate on an (ether)pad?

> These are typically sort (about 1 page), and get quite a lot
> of visibility.
> I'll start a draft and share it in this list.



>    Many Thanks
>        Luis

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