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Re: Linux for Kids (was: [Mailer-Daemon@an3as.eu: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender])

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 12:42 AM, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez@kitware.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 7:59 PM, Per Andersson <avtobiff@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think we missed the opportunity with the Youth Open Source Week. :-(
> Per,
>               Thanks for you your enthusiastic response.


> Yes, we missed the Youth Open Source Week, but the topic is kind of
> continuously open at opensource.com, where the articles on education
> actually draw a good deal of attention.

That is cool.

> We can still go ahead and write an article about Debian initiatives
> for Kids.   We could do this in the format of an interview, (that is,
> I could interview you) or if you prefer to write an article with more
> specific tone, you are welcome as well to write for opensource.com.
> Please let me know if any of these options resonate with you.

Yes, that would be great. I am however quite busy with personal life at
the direct moment (as you might conclude from my sparse replies).

I would also like to (at least for myself) lift it a level and maybe connect,
or at least get some more information, about say DouDouLinux,
DebianEdu, Skolelinux and actual stories from schools and education.

Send some questions and we can start from there, either on-list or
off-list. (In the end it doesn't matter since I will ask the team for
experience, opinions, and guidance in the end anyway.)


>    Many Thanks
>         Luis

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