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Re: KNotes Crashes On Wheezy

On Friday 29 Aug 2014 21:42:30 Maximiliano Curia wrote:

> El 2014-08-29 a las 17:49 +0100, Nick Boyce escribió:
> >   The following extra packages will be installed:
> >     kdepimlibs-dbg libakonadi-calendar4 libakonadi-notes4
> >     libkalarmcal2 libkblog4 libkmbox4 libkxmlrpcclient4
> > 
> > I can understand kdepimlibs-dbg, but the rest seems overkill just to
> > analyse crashes in KNotes.
> That outputs seems to be composed by kdepim-runtime and kdepim-kresources
> dependencies, so, most probably you have them installed already and only
> need to upgrade them 

Thanks, though I did not have them already installed - they were all new 
installs.  Sadly, after installing all 130MB(download) / 400MB(unpacked) of 
the above, nothing has improved about the backtrace, and Crash Assistant still 
lists 7 software items as needing symbols :


I can identify which binary package delivered each file, but it isn't always 
obvious which other package contains the corresponding debug symbols.

Let's see ..... # dpkg -S /usr/bin/knotify4 ===> kde-runtime

 (hmm, that's surprising .... okay ... [continues])

dpkg -S /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/phonon_backend/phonon_vlc.so
  ==> phonon-backend-vlc
dpkg -S /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphonon.so.4
  ==> libphonon4
dpkg -S /usr/lib/kde4/plugins/phonon_platform/kde.so
  ==> kde-runtime
dpkg -S /usr/lib/libvlc.so.5
  ==> libvlc5
dpkg -S /usr/lib/vlc/plugins/audio_output/libalsa_plugin.so
  ==> vlc-nox
dpkg -S /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libasound.so.2
  ==> libasound2

And it appears from packages.d.o that the following exist :
  ***NO*** libphonon(4)-dbg, but there is a libphonon-dev ...
  ***NO*** libvlc(5)-dbg, but there is a libvlc-dev ...
  ***NO*** vlc-nox-dbg or -dev

Lets try Google: googling 'vlc-nox' reveals there is something called 'vlc-
dbg' ... that sounds promising ...

Now googling 'phonon': Ah - there's a 'phonon-dbg'

Okay - I'll try installing these (ignoring the two -dev packages), and will 
report back whether or not that results in a useful crash report.

It'd be nice if there were a handy list of correspondences for this somewhere 
at debian.org, or even an entry on each packages.d.o page giving the 
information.  Maybe to a developer all this is obvious, but it isn't always so 
clear to an end-user.

"Elegance is not a dispensable luxury but a factor that decides
between success and failure."  ~~ Edsgar Dijkstra

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