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Re: Plasma 6 in Debian?


Shmerl - 25.04.24, 23:05:06 CEST:
> Now that the 64-bit time_t transition is mostly unblocked, will we see
> Plasma 6 packaged soon?

Mostly unblocked? While there are quite some transitions at 100% more are 
scheduled and there are still uninstallable / not upgradeable packages¹. 
The churn of what might be the biggest and longest "we break everything 
and then some for the greater good" transformation of Debian I remember is 
still not fully settled.

Members of the Debian Qt/KDE team are working on packages and uploading to 
experimental since quite a while already. Most of them KF6 related. Due to 
new names most, if not all, of them need to go through NEW. Those appear 
to get accepted by ftpmasters quite smoothly at the moment, but it still 
needs additional time.

Also AFAIR there an updated set of KF5 packages needs to go to unstable 
first. I think it was due to some packages need to be provided as 5 and 6 
versions and some missing features in the older KF5 packages currently in 
Debian preventing that, but I am not sure I got the exact explanation 

To summarize all of this in a short way: From what I have read it is to 
early to predict when Plasma 6 will hit Debian unstable. At the moment as 
far as I have seen KF6 is not yet completed. Then you need Plasma 6 and 
enough of KDE Gear 6 for it to make sense.

Unfortunately asking "when it may be" does not speed up the process. If 
you can offer some help, I'd recommend to drop by in their chat and ask 
where you could help most efficiently.

I answered this to the best of my knowledge from what I have seen in IRC 
chat of the team and in Debian's devel-changes mailing list. Hopefully 
this will save team members some time for answering here that they can 
spend on packaging work or for recreational purposes – it is 
understandable that someone does not choose to use 100% of their free time 
for packaging work :). They are all doing it in their spare time and 
writing an explanatory mail like this also takes time.

Please correct if any of the above is not accurate.

[1] https://release.debian.org/transitions/


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