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Re: Plasma 6 in Debian?

Le 26 avril 2024 10:05:19 GMT+02:00, Martin Steigerwald <martin@lichtvoll.de> a écrit :
>Members of the Debian Qt/KDE team are working on packages and uploading to
>experimental since quite a while already. Most of them KF6 related. Due to
>new names most, if not all, of them need to go through NEW. Those appear
>to get accepted by ftpmasters quite smoothly at the moment, but it still
>needs additional time.

Yes, and we're making good progress on kf6 thanks to the sustained effort of Patrick Franz in particular. 🙂

>Also AFAIR there an updated set of KF5 packages needs to go to unstable
>first. I think it was due to some packages need to be provided as 5 and 6
>versions and some missing features in the older KF5 packages currently in
>Debian preventing that, but I am not sure I got the exact explanation

The exact reason is that the previous kf5 versions were not all co-installable with their kf6 counterparts. We want to have kf5 and kf6 co-installable to avoid breaking everything so we need the lastest version of kf5 to go in first.

>To summarize all of this in a short way: From what I have read it is to
>early to predict when Plasma 6 will hit Debian unstable.

Yes, that's it. It's coming and will be ready when it's ready. 🙂

Happy hacking,

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