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Bug#711592: Current x86 linux kernel is misconfigured.

Control: notfound -1 linux/5.18.2-1
Control: retitle -1 kernel 3.2: WCHAN column for procps is NOT working

On 8 Jun 2013 09:32:48 +0100 Robert de Bath <robert$@debath.co.uk> wrote:
> Package: linux-image-686-pae
> On current Debian kernels the the WCHAN column for procps is NOT working.
> Run this command:
> # cat /proc/*/wchan
> For current Debian kernels you get all zeros

# cat /proc/*/wchan

And the output was a WHOLE lot longer, but I omitted that as it didn't seem 
useful to paste it all.
I have no idea when this was fixed as the mentioned kernel config options didn't 
seem to have changed? Not (yet) closing this as the output is on an amd64 
kernel and maybe that's different.

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