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Secțiunile din meniul cu aplicații


Azi am petrecut câteva ore studiind de ce nu sunt traduse
în română titlurile secțiunilor din meniul întreținut de Debian.
A fost o poveste lungă cu multe wtf (un fișier /etc/environment
ce îmi suprascria LANG și LANGUAGE cu valori vechi dar nu
este nici un pachet care să aibă grijă de actualizarea lui. Cel
puțin console-tools, console-common și pam știu de existența
lui. Să mă lămuriți dacă aveți vreo idee) și săpături prin b.d.o.

Am atașat șablonul cu titlurile în română. Să vă uitați dacă nu
găsiți ceva dubios.

Shell tradus ca și consolă: mai lung dar mai exact ar fi „interpretoare
de comenzi" sau chiar „Shell"

Board ca și Table: poate „jocuri de masă" sau „jocuri pe tablă"

Screen ca și „Imagine ecran": nu mi-a venit nici o idee dar mi se
pare derutant

WindowManagers ca și „Administratori de ferestre":ughhh, de ce
nu direct manageri de ferestre?

Numai bine,

# translation of menu-sections_ro.po to Romanian
# translation of menu-sections.po to Romanian
# Menu section translation
# Copyright (C) 2003
# This file is distributed under the same license as the menu package.
# Bill Allombert <ballombe@debian.org>, 2003.
# Sorin Batariuc <sorin@bonbon.net>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: menu-sections_ro\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-04-03 12:14+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-06-18 01:42+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Igor È?tirbu <igor.stirbu@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Romanian <debian-l10n-romanian@lists.debian.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3.1\n"

#.  First level entry
#.  All following 2nd level entries go "under" it
#.  From menu policy (/usr/share/doc/pdebian-policy/menu-policy.txt.gz):
#.      normal applications
msgid "Apps"
msgstr "AplicaÈ?ii"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: interactive database programs
msgid "Databases"
msgstr "Baze de date"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: text editors, word processors
msgid "Editors"
msgstr "Editoare"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: educational and training programs
msgid "Education"
msgstr "EducaÈ?ie"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: wine, dosemu, etc.
msgid "Emulators"
msgstr "Emulatoare"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: image manipulation
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "GraficÄ?"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: anything relating to ham (amateur) radio
msgid "Hamradio"
msgstr "Radioamatori"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: math related programs
msgid "Math"
msgstr "MatematicÄ?"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: network programs that don't fit elsewhere
msgid "Net"
msgstr "ReÈ?ele"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: debuggers, etc.
msgid "Programming"
msgstr "Programare"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: scientific programs
msgid "Science"
msgstr "È?tiinÈ?Ä?"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: simple apps, like clocks, that perform only one task
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Unelte"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: technical stuff
msgid "Technical"
msgstr "TehnicÄ?"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: text oriented tools other than editors
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Text"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: bash, ksh, zsh, etc.
msgid "Shells"
msgstr "Console"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: sound players and editors
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Sunet"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: image viewers
#.  Maybe also applications which able users to view some specific data
#.  such as PDF, images, Postscript...
msgid "Viewers"
msgstr "Vizualizatoare"

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: system administration and monitoring tools
msgid "System"
msgstr "Sistem"

#.  First level entry
#.  Menu policy definition: games and recreations
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Jocuri"

#.  Second level entry under "Games"
#.  Menu policy definition: walk around virtual space, zork, MOO's, etc
#.  All adventure-style games (often includes RPG)
msgid "Adventure"
msgstr "AventurÄ?"

#.  Second level entry under "Games"
#.  Menu policy definition: any game where reflexes count
msgid "Arcade"
msgstr "AcÈ?iune"

#.  Second level entry under "Games"
#.  Menu policy definition: games played on a board
#.  Board-style games such as Mastermind, Yahtzee, Mahjongg
msgid "Board"
msgstr "Table"

#.  Second level entry under "Games"
#.  Menu policy definition: games involving a deck of cards
msgid "Card"
msgstr "CÄ?rÈ?i"

#.  Second level entry under "Games"
#.  Menu policy definition: tests of ingenuity and logic
#.  one-player games most often...or games which need the player to think..:-)
msgid "Puzzles"
msgstr "Perspicacitate"

#.  Second level entry under "Games"
#.  Menu policy definition: Simulations of the real world (Flight
#.                          Simulators, for example)
msgid "Simulation"
msgstr "Simulatoare"

#.  Second level entry under "Games"
#.  Menu policy definition: games derived from "real world" sports
msgid "Sports"
msgstr "Sport"

#.  Second level entry under "Games"
#.  Menu policy definition: games involving long term strategic thinking
msgid "Strategy"
msgstr "Strategie"

#.  Second level entry under "Games"
#.  Menu policy definition: games involving falling blocks
msgid "Tetris-like"
msgstr "Gen tetris"

#.  Second level entry under "Games"
#.  Menu policy definition: amusements, eye-candy, etc.
#.  Very small things which are often not really games
#.  Such as Xeyes....
msgid "Toys"
msgstr "JucÄ?rii"

#.  First level entry
#.  Menu policy definition: programs that provide user documentation
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Ajutor"

#.  First level entry
#.  Menu policy definition: programs that affect the whole screen
#.  This entry is about screen saver/locking systems
#.  (see the following entries)
#.  Most often, literal translations to the word for "Screen"
#.  in your language will NOT be correct
#.  Try using what you use for "screen" in "screensaver" for your language
msgid "Screen"
msgstr "Imagine ecran"

#.  Second level entry under "Screen"
#.  Menu policy definition: programs to lock the screen
#.  Refers to "Screen" as "Lock the screen"
msgid "Lock"
msgstr "Blocare ecran"

#.  Second level entry under "Screen"
#.  Menu policy definition: screen savers
#.  Refers to "Screen" as "trigger the screensaver"
#.  Most often the common word for "Save" as in File/Save
#.  will NOT be appropriate
msgid "Save"
msgstr "ProtecÈ?ie ecran"

#.  Second level entry under "Screen"
#.  Menu policy definition: things that fill the root window
#.  will handle things that deal with the screen background, for instance
msgid "Root-window"
msgstr "Fereastra de bazÄ?"

#.  First level entry
#.  Menu policy definition: X window managers
#.  Will collect all window managers such as icewm, samfish, twm...
msgid "WindowManagers"
msgstr "Administratori de ferestre"

#.  Second level entry under "WindowManagers"
#.  Menu policy definition: window manager modules
msgid "Modules"
msgstr "Module"

#.  First level entry for all xterm-style apps
#.  Menu policy definition: xterm and its brethren
msgid "XShells"
msgstr "Console din X"

#. From Apps/System/Admin
#.  for "System administration"
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Administrare"

#. Non official sections from WindowMaker
msgid "Appearance"
msgstr "Aspect"

#. Non official sections from WindowMaker
msgid "WorkSpace"
msgstr "SpaÈ?iu de lucru"

#. Frequently used unofficial sections.
#. From Apps/Net/Mozilla Components
msgid "Mozilla Components"
msgstr "Componente Mozilla"

#. From Games/Toys/Teddies
#.  as in "Teddy Bear"
msgid "Teddies"
msgstr "UrsuleÈ?i"

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