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Re: how to load a module for vfat fs support?

Thanks for the tip. I just tried modconf. Modconf is displaying the Select Category screen, and I only have three categories of modules


Thus, I have no way of selecting vfat. How do I get a 'vfat' or 'fs/vfat' category of modules to show up in this screen? Is it just a matter of copying my lib/modules/2.4.10/.../vfat folder contents to another directory?

Gale Stafford

On Mon, 15 Jul 2002 21:38:07 +0200
webmaster@linuxabbestia.net <debianabbestia@inwind.it> wrote:
> Why don't you think to use modconf: graphical front-end to install modules in the kernel? I currently use it and I find it simple. So if you want to do so type modconf, search for vfat module and install it. It is like you do insmod ...
> Ste@linuxabbestia.net
> -- 
> <<Unix IS user friendly... It's just selective about who its friends are!>>

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