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Re: Corel (was Re: your mail)

Ben Pfaff wrote:
> Jeff Noxon <jeff@planetfall.com> writes:
>    Although I certainly don't mind the suggestion of Corel getting one
>    (many?) developer accounts, I'm not certain I like the idea of voting
>    rights or access to -private...  Just my $0.02.
> What's to stop individual Corelers from just becoming full-fledged
> developers like any other developers?  AFAIK we don't have any rules
> against developers paid for by commercial interests, it's just that it
> hasn't happened up to this point.

Err, Um, So what do most developers do for money?
Are they/you all independently wealthy or is software development 
just a hobby and you all have "real" jobs.
Personally, I work for a "commercial interest".
I thought that the rule was that I follow the letter and
spirit of the Debian Social Contract and that would be sufficient.
Also, as companies typically have official policies I have
taken some time to make sure that they are not in conflict 
with the Social Contract, nonetheless, I am not a lawyer and
feel uneasy about this.  
Should I post my employers policies to "Debian Legal"?
I did discuss my membership with my employer before becoming a 
maintainer, and they had no problems.

I do agree that maybe the voting rules may need to be modified 
but how do you compute dedication to the Social Contract ;-)

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