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Re: Documentation licenses (GFDL discussion on debian-legal)

On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 12:55:43AM +0000, Martin Wheeler wrote:
> And to those who would say: "There's no difference between software and
> documentation" I would reply -- sorry, but you really know nothing about
> writing; specifically, _why_ writers write.

To those who would say "Creating software is not writing", or "People
who write documentation have desires which people who write software
do not" I would reply -- sorry, but you really know nothing about
writing software; specifically, _why_ writers write software.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
 : :' :  http://www.debian.org/ | Dept. of Computing,
 `. `'                          | Imperial College,
   `-             -><-          | London, UK

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