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Re: Microsoft Bing or Windows Spotlight daily picture as wallpaper?

El 9/10/22 a les 13:08, Patrice Coni ha escrit:
Dear debian-legal people,

I develop a software that downloads the daily picture from Bing or Windows Spotlight and set it as wallpaper on a X11 desktop environment.
Bing or Windows Spotlight are features of Microsoft.
The daily picture is obtained from www.bing.com or from arc.msn.com.
Each image appears to be copyrighted by its owner.

The software (DailyDesktopWallpaperPlus) not only downloads the picture, but the copyright and description of each image is stored in a local database.
The images are saved and can be reused later.
Is this legal? What do I have to consider?

My goal is that the software to be included by Debian.

Link: https://github.com/pgc062020/DailyDesktopWallpaperPlus

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

Patrice Coni

There could be two possible scenarios: either the images are free for use even for commercial purposes (so Microsoft can use them without asking for further permission) or Microsoft did seek and got explicit permission from the picture copyright owner to display them on their feature.

In the first scenario, Debian probably could use them as well; in the second, probably not. Note the "probably" on both cases.

Also, this check should be done for each and every picture going to be displayed, present and future. If Microsoft is using today a picture for which needs not an explicit grant, we have no warranty at all that tomorrow it will be the same.

IANAL neither DD but I would be very uncomfortable with this software even as an end user where I would end having copyrighted images locally stored for which I could be held personally liable.

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