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Bug#903669: lintian -- false positive on using-first-person-in-description

Hi Chris,

On Thu, 12 Jul 2018, Chris Lamb wrote:
The description of pyicloud contains the name of a software called "Find
My iPhone".

I think this is a case for an override rather than a change in Lintian
as it will never be able to reliably know that this is a false positive
without aintaining a list of project names like "Find My iPhone."

aren't there lists for other lintian tags as well? For example where Rouge is the correct spelling that should not be replaced by Rogue, as mentioned in #891794?

What do you think?

I am always happy to see no output from lintian, so I would slightly prefer the solution with a list. But I also don't mind to add an override. It is your call :-).


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