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Bug#903669: lintian -- false positive on using-first-person-in-description

Hi Thorsten,

> >> The description of pyicloud contains the name of a software called "Find
> >> My iPhone".
> >
> > I think this is a case for an override rather than a change in Lintian
> > as it will never be able to reliably know that this is a false positive
> > without aintaining a list of project names like "Find My iPhone."
> aren't there lists for other lintian tags as well? For example where Rouge 
> is the correct spelling that should not be replaced by Rogue, as mentioned 
> in #891794?

So, as it happens, the fix for #891794 was actually to /remove/ that
correction rather than add an exception for that correction.. :) But you
are right that Lintian does have some exception lists.

However, this one just "feels" too esoteric and package-specific.
Please override :)

Best wishes,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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