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Re: RFC: packaging layout for Odin

On Fri, 9 Jan 2009 16:57:38 +0100, Michael Hanke wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 04:43:08PM +0100, David Paleino wrote:
> > On Fri, 9 Jan 2009 16:24:46 +0100, Michael Hanke wrote:
> > > * What other application would these libraries use?
> > > 
> > >   I really think that these are intended for development _inside_ ODIN
> > >   and the result is a simulation _inside_ ODIN and not a standalone tool
> > >   linked against some lib that could be packaged on its own. I simply
> > >   see no advantage of packaging them as shared libs -- believe me,
> > >   shared library packaging is nothing you should start without need.
> > 
> > And what if $random_developer wants to #include <odin/foo.h> in his app?
> > Must he be forced to install the whole odin thing? He just installs the lib*
> > packages -- even if those are meant as private libraries.
> Sure. The other half of the topic is: Someone has to check each upstream
> release whether upstream was correct in bumping or not bumping SO
> version, negotiating with upstream to correct (if necessary), changing
> package names accordingly, forcing the package through NEW, ...
> Significant increase in workload for a number of people due to 'what if
> a random...'

What's wrong in:

> > Probably upstream should be educated on a better usage of this, [..]

? :)

Maybe I'm just too confident in upstream's education?

> > > Moreover, the cpp are the actual templates that are used to develop own
> > > sequences -- IMHO this is more than plain documentation. Just take a
> > > look at the actual user interface.
> > 
> > Yes, I already started the GUI before sending my first mail.
> > 
> > And, IMHO, they're still documentative: you're "allowed" to write a sequence
> > from scratch, aren't you? (Ok, probably you wouldn't do that, but still can)
> > 
> > Those are, as Andreas pointed, "example sequences" -- they are best fit in
> > /usr/share/doc/<something>/examples/ IMHO.
> As I said -- that is my oppinion, but since you package -- you decide.

I don't really like this kind of replies, I'm one who always tries to find a
common ground.

What if we add the -doc package to odin's Recommends:, and provide symlinks
in /usr/share/odin/ ?

Also, I'm thinking of adding a README.Debian with the information from
http://od1n.sourceforge.net/sequences.html , and a debian/NEWS (which should
pop up upon installation) informing users to read in /usr/share/doc/.../ how to
use the templates.

The idea of debian/NEWS is not bad at all IMHO: we could warn users "Hey, if you
want templates, install odin-doc"

> > (/me thinks you're getting kinda upset for nothing)
> Not at all -- just sharing my thoughts. I can be quiet if you like ;-)

No, sorry, just a misunderstanding.

> It is just that ODIN is not a random application like e.g. an editor and
> it is probably worth discussing things before the become concrete, right?

Right -- and that's why a posted a RFC, instead of doing the package and
injecting it. No? ;)


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