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Re: dentist software

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 03:42:31PM +0100, Hilbert, Sebastian wrote:

> We have seen some general practioner projects being started because GNUmed 
> was 'just not right'. In the end all projects died because it is not easy to 
> catch up with a head start and thousands of lines of codes from other 
> software projects.

Which doesn't mean GNUmed is "the best" or is "Right"TM. It
just means that GNUmed ist *still there* under active

> BTW. There is absolutely no problem to throw away the GNUmed GUI in wxpython 
> and replace it by a pyGTK GUI.
Or, rather, write an additional GUI.

> The benefit would be that you could reuse all 
> the GNUmed middleware that is GUI-independant
And if you hit places where the middleware ist *not*
GUI-agnostic I will be more than happy to fix that.

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