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Re: gbrowse2 package

On Tue, Mar 01, 2011 at 03:51:52PM +0100, Olivier Sallou wrote:
> I use latest lintian and man pages are present in my package, I checked.
> Did you apply the patch?

Uhmm, not my day - old patch. :-(

> I added many of the man pages with the patch

While it is perfectly valid to add the man pages via a patch (especially
if you plan to foreward this patch upstream) I would consider it way
more usual to move all manpages written by a Debian Maintainer to
debian/*.1.  So what you are doing is not really wrong but might not
be the best idea (= just a hint, feel free to keep it as is).

> Lintian still show 3 missing man pages and some man issues in a few.
> Fixing man issue may be difficult as doc is extracted from perl files  
> automatically (perl2mod I think or something like that).

If lintian is simply nitpicking and you would like to provide the
manpages that way you might consider debian/lintian-overrides to make
sure these warnings will not hide other problems.  With lintian 2.4.3
I get in addition to the manpage issues:

W: gbrowse: embedded-javascript-library usr/share/gbrowse2/htdocs/js/prototype.js
W: gbrowse: embedded-javascript-library usr/share/gbrowse2/htdocs/js/scriptaculous.js

As lintian suggests you might consider making the package dependant from
libjs-prototype and libjs-scriptaculous and add debian/links width

usr/share/javascript/prototype/prototype.js		usr/share/gbrowse2/htdocs/js/prototype.js
usr/share/javascript/scriptaculous/scriptaculous.js	usr/share/gbrowse2/htdocs/js/scriptaculous.js

(Just did something similar with python-cogent).

> I gonna move bins as requested

I did it before I wrote my last mail.

Thanks for your packaging work (and sorry for the confusion I might have
caused when inspecting old code).  Charles, could your please have a
look if you consider it ready for sponsering?

Kind regards



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