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Re: Alioth: html output dir linked to vasks???

On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 08:28:19 +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 12:39:55AM +0200, David Paleino wrote:
> [..]
> > Could you expand this point?
> > What does this "publish" target do? Does it scp things from vasks to wagner?
> See
>    http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/blends/blends/trunk/blends/doc/Makefile?view=markup

Uhm, ok :)

> IMHO this manual triggering of publishing something has some advantages
> because it enables you to commit some intermediate status which is not
> automatically subject for publishing.  I personally would prefer this
> anyway so I do not really see a constraint in the fact that postcommit
> hooks do not work any more.

Ok :)

> > I'm not entirely sure that's the most correct way. Those are the same
> > admins we made the symlink wagner:/srv/home pointing to vasks :)
> > 
> > Anyway, we can contact them, asking for clarification.
> However, I would like to get the tasks pages working *before* we have
> sorted out this.  So I would love to revert your change right now
> (risking that postcommit hooks will not work for the moment - PET should
> keep on working if you copy the code manually ... at least I think so).

PET should work nevertheless. I just thought about fixing a "hidden" bug while
I was at it: the HTML pages were not updated anymore after the alioth split,
and the symlink fixed it.

> [..]
> > >    2. Revert the symlink and use a publish target as I suggested (and
> > >       do not use the postcommit hook to move things around
> > 
> > This is what I did not understand :)
> Please see the Makefile linked above.  Currently your workflow is like
>    1. Changing something
>    2. svn commit --> changes are populated
> My proposed workflow is:
>    1. Changing something
>    2. svn commit (NOTHING will be populated)
>    3. make publish --> changes are populated
> While this is actually one step more I *really* think that this one more
> step is reasonable.  Thinking once more before publishing is IMHO a sane
> thing to do and I was actually never really happy about the shorter
> workflow.

Ok ok :)

> I'm somehow tempted to revert the symling soonish because I need working
> tasks pages (nowish) because I need to demonstrate something here.  For
> the moment nothing should be broken by this change back because the
> working code is just populated, right?

Well, everything happens on vasks, so even if the web part was broken, it
wouldn't appear (because pages are served from wagner). So yes, it's safe :)

> BTW, did you created a copy of the old htdocs dir before creating the
> symlink?

No, I didn't -- I supposed wagner's htdocs were still dated ~May 2011, so I
thought they were old files, and just rm'ed them. Sorry :/

We can remove the symlink, make a copy of htdocs/ from vasks to wagner, and then
run "make publish" to update tasks pages once again.


 . ''`.   Debian developer | http://wiki.debian.org/DavidPaleino
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