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Re: [MoM] Packaging mindthegap (Was: [MoM] Packaging mindthemap)

Hello @Andrius,

I have installed the generated .deb file on my system and it works as expected. I have written a manpage which I have tested to be accessible via 'man mindthegap'. I have modified debian/copyright to reflect on the current project. Running Lintian, I have corrected any errors with regards to the docs. There are no documentations pre-written or available on the upstream repository so I am unsure if I should either exclude this (by removing docs-base which I have already done) or write a documentation base myself.

In addition to this, checking the current repository and my current progress would be much appreciated, as I feel like this is more or less ready.

Best regards,
Shayan Doust

July 7, 2019 2:03 PM, hello@shayandoust.me wrote:

> Hello, 
> Just with regards to MoM and how imperative communication is, I thought I'd keep you both updated
> with how it's going. I've been in an emergency trip for the past couple of days, and will be
> returning at some point later today. Hence I will be continuing where I left off from. 
> Regards, 
> Shayan Doust 
> July 5, 2019 7:51 AM, merkys@debian.org wrote:
>> Hi Shayan,
>> On 2019-07-04 16:13, hello@shayandoust.me wrote:
>>> The build was failing due to hdf5, so I have patched that up and the build runs successfully within
>>> pbuilder, and has generated a .deb file, which is still great news.
>> Great news indeed! I'm impressed by your learning speed :)
>>> I have never worked hands-on like this with CMake nor multiple dependencies so I have certainly
>>> learned a lot in terms of communication paths and the packaging process itself, which is of course
>>> something to extend and improve on, but we all start from somewhere so thanks!
>> I find Debian packaging an awesome way to learn things about programming
>> languages and build systems. I usually tinker with bio- and
>> cheminformatics packages and have to deal with stuff from Fortran to
>> Gradle every day :)
>>> I will fix any character length violations, then push all my changes I have done. I don't think the
>>> package installs in the correct directories yet so I will look into that by digging into the
>>> documentation and refactor some files under debian which seem to be incomplete (such as copyright)
>>> and look into running lintian to ensure policy satisfactions.
>> Sure. Just ping me when you feel the packages are more or less ready,
>> I'll review them.
>> Best wishes,
>> Andrius
>> --
>> Andrius Merkys
>> Vilnius University Institute of Biotechnology, Saulėtekio al. 7, room V325
>> LT-10257 Vilnius, Lithuania

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