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Re: [MoM] mmseqs2

Hi Shayan,

On 2019-07-18 18:53, Shayan Doust wrote:
> How far from
> completion would you say I am at this stage?

The package seems to be in a fair shape, thank you for working on it.
Here are a couple issues I found while reviewing it:

1. There was a small formatting issue in Files-Excluded stanza of
debian/copyright, I've fixed it in commit a07ede7.

2. Files in Files-Excluded are not actually excluded yet:

E: mmseqs2 source: source-includes-file-in-files-excluded
E: mmseqs2 source: source-includes-file-in-files-excluded

Thus you have to repackage the source. I do it quite often, and I always
use this link [1] as a reference. Sometimes I don't manage to do it in
single try, luckily, we can always revert unpushed commits :) Let me
know should you need any assistance with this.

3. 'Zlib-Libpng License' should be written as 'zlib/libpng' in

4. 'GPLv3' should be written as 'GPL-3' in debian/copyright

5. License paragraph for 'LGPL' is missing in debian/copyright

6. The built binary package contains a lot of example and test data,
which I'd suggest splitting off to 'mmseqs2-data' or 'mmseqs2-examples'.
I assume most of the users will want 'mmseqs2' only.

Best wishes,

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/Javascript/Repacking

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