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Re: Upstream author wants maintainer

Robert Allan Kiesling wrote:
> Instead of going through the process of becoming a registered
> package maintainer, I would like to know if there's an existing
> Debian maintainer that would like to maintain a package or two.
> Much of the work involves installing vendor libraries for Perl
> and a lot of MySQL installation - I've actually built one .DEB 
> package, and it would be definitely better to find a maintainer
>  who's worked with Perl.

I'm willing to review your packages and possibly maintain them 

> If you think I would be better off going through the new maintainer
> process myself, I can also do that, but the process seems quite 
> closed to me.

As an application manager, I think the process is quite open. However,
it is a significant amount of work. If your only goal is to get a few
a your upstream packages into the Debian, then finding a maintainer is
a reasonable choice.

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