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AM Report for Isaac Clerencia <isaac@sindominio.net>

Report for new developer applicant Isaac Clerencia <isaac@sindominio.net>:

1. Identification & Background

   Check with Keyid 0x54E672DE

   ID Check passed, Key signed by at least two existing Debian Developers,
   Jordi Mallach <jordi@debian.org> and Teófilo Ruiz Suárez <teo@debian.org>

   Output from 'gpg --check-sigs 0x54E672DE' (only the relevant parts):

   pub  1024D/54E672DE 2001-10-27 Isaac Clerencia <isaac@sindominio.net>
   sig!3       917A225E 2002-11-17   Jordi Mallach <jordi@debian.org>
   sig!3       420718E6 2003-04-23   Teófilo Ruiz Suárez <teo@debian.org>
   uid                            Isaac Clerencia (GNU) <isaac@sindominio.net>
   sig!3       917A225E 2002-11-17   Jordi Mallach <jordi@debian.org>
   sig!3       420718E6 2003-04-23   Teófilo Ruiz Suárez <teo@debian.org>
   sub  1024g/149BF67F 2001-10-27
   sig!        54E672DE 2001-10-27   Isaac Clerencia <isaac@sindominio.net>

   Applicant writes:


   I study in the University of Zaragoza, I'm in the last year (5) of
   Computer Science, I'm 22 years old. I'm working eventually, at this
   moment, I administer a network with some Debian workstations and I'm
   being a teacher in a "Network services with Debian" course ...

   I have just started my ¿"end of degree"? project, I'm working with
   SystemImager to set up an automatic installation server with several
   Debian images in the government of my region.


2. Philosophy and Procedures

   Isaac demonstrated a good understanding of Debian's Philosophy and
   Procedures. He answered all my Questions about the Social Contract,
   the DFSG, the BTS etc. and had hardly any problems with it.

3. Tasks and Skills

   Isaac is maintainer of phppgadmin which is present in the Debian archive,
   sponsored by Teófilo Ruiz Suárez <teo@debian.org>. When I checked the
   packages, I found some very very small glitches which he fixed quickly.

   He also answered my questions regarding T&S without problems.

4. Recommendation

   I recommend to accept Isaac Clerencia as a Debian Developer.

   Preferred account name: isaac
   Address to forward E-Mails to: Isaac Clerencia <isaac@sindominio.net>

  .''`.   Martin Loschwitz           Debian GNU/Linux developer
 : :'  :  madkiss@madkiss.org        madkiss@debian.org
 `. `'`   http://www.madkiss.org/    people.debian.org/~madkiss/
   `-     Use Debian GNU/Linux 3.0!  See http://www.debian.org/

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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