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Re: Enabling flambda

Well, we are in the middle of packaging 4.04.0, so at least this bug will be fixed in that one.

Or do you think we should hold it off for a few more versions "just in case" there are more bugs?


Pierre Boutillier:
> Hi,
> (Disclaimer: I'm nobody in debian, I'm here because, for years, I tell myself I should help maintaining ocaml-packages but I've never taken the plunge).
> I would like to be stronger in favour of doing so but I'm afraid the answer has to be "Don't do it":
> Oasis 0.4.7 does not work with 4.03.0+flambda (see https://forge.ocamlcore.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1674&group_id=54&atid=291 )
> For now, there is Oasis 0.4.6 in Debian which is compatible with flambda and a workaround for the issue is trivial: https://github.com/ocaml/oasis/commit/712e751d47f7e3f014c21389a09b08791565237f
> Anyway, the bug in flambda (fixed in 4.04.0 by https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/commit/82e8ce75bd8a1c9e9f989903ae74928846b31b15 (I have no idea whether the patch applies upon 4.03.0)) it reveals looks to me too serious to make all ocaml code compiled in Debian leaving with it.
> That's sad.
> Pierre B.
>> Le 7 nov. 2016 à 18:54, Ximin Luo <infinity0@debian.org> a écrit :
>> I just noticed I didn't enable flambda yet for the 4.03 release. We can do that for the next upload, before too many things are compiled with it (it's binary-incompatible with non-flambda things). Any objections?
>> https://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/flambda.html
>> X

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