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Re: Perl upgrade : part 2

On Mon, Jul 12, 1999 at 12:09:22AM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Yes I did not intend to NMU lintian since there are other things to fix.
> But when you released 1.4, you could have added the | perl5 to the 
> depends line (it was after the beginning of the perl upgrade if I recall
> correctly). :-)
Actually, I had the package completed and just not uploaded for some
time... It was really my mistake in not uploading it.  I plan(ed) a 1.5
release shortly there after before I get to work on 2.0 (policy

> > As it is, I"m not ready to install perl-5.005 yet.. not until more of the
> > "important" packages (in contrast to wmweather) are upgraded.
> You don't need to install perl-5.005 for correcting your packages ! You
> just need to update the dependency line of your perl scripts. The only
> persons who really need to install perl-5.005 are those who have
> binary perl modules ...
> And the day where most of the job for the perl upgrade will be done, if
> lintian is not yet finished for the new perl, I'm willing to help you
> since it's something that we really need. :)
Best thing is to get some of those checks to me.  In that bug report you
listed a few problems.. I need packages that generate the report and the
actual report in question.  There are many and I don't know all of them by
heart the way the original authors do.  For the packages, either the names
of the package so I can get it from the archive or the actual deb if it's
not in the archive yet.  That'd be the best help.. basicly narrowing down
the hunt for me.

Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
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