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Re: Subversion repository layout

On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 10:54:26 -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:

> Now that reorganizing our repo comes to the table again, I was
> thinking [..]

Why not discuss some other ideas when we're at it ;-)

> I was thinking we could use packages-pending so that non-DDs would
> just copy the trunks they worked with over there. When a DD notices
> there is a package in -pending, he just assumes it is ready to be
> uploaded. 

Hm, and how would the DDs notice?
> Does it sound usable, or just overengineering (we already have the
> list)?

My experience with the debian-perl mailing list is quite good, and in
general I like email because it's just pushed to my mailbox.
OTOH if someone wants to subscribe to an RSS feed for
branches/pending or whatever to easier see pending uploads I don't
mind an "svn cp ..".
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