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Re: Pending uploads

On Wed, 01 Aug 2007 12:52:28 +0300, Damyan Ivanov wrote:

> > libemail-localdelivery-perl
> debian/copyright misses copyright for the packaging. Perhaps even
> mention DPG there?

AFAIK there are a lot of packages without this notice. Is this
necessary nowadays? If not: I'm no a great fan of it because I don't
think that the "craft" of packaging something is worth to be
protected by copyright (or it's not even possible; Austrian law e.g.
demands a "Schöpfungshöhe" / "Threshold of Originality" and I don't
think that this demand is fulfilled by using dh-make-perl and dh_*)

Anyway, I have no objections to adding such a stanza either ;-)
> that patch looks intrusive and I don't see it reported upstream. Seems
> strange.

> > libnet-amazon-perl
> The Homepage seems wrong. Can one without version be used?

Hm, right.

> There is new upstream maintainer. Including all the contributors in
> debian/copyright also seems the right thing to do, I guess.


> I see several uploaders, which are not mentioned in debian/copyright. DPG?


> No license for the packaging.

See above.
> Looks like today is my pedantic day :)

No, it's good to check packages thoroughly.



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