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Perl in Hamburg and Prizren

There are two Debian events in the near future:

Debian Reunion Hamburg 2022

DebCamp and DebConf22 Prizren

At our BoF during the Online DebConf21 we mentioned the idea of a
sprint in (northern hemipshere) 2022, and the meeting in Hamburg
would be a good (and probably the only realistic :)) option for that.
I plan to be there, and if at least 1 or 2 other team members join,
we might be able to call this a sprint :) - Anyonce fancy a trip to

For DebConf I guess we should submit a BoF again; in the last years,
either nodens or me did this, and I guess we can reuse the text from
the last years; we just need to decide who's doing it … And then
we'll see who's on-site and who participates remotely.

As a personal note, I'd love to meet y'all in person again …


 .''`.  https://info.comodo.priv.at -- Debian Developer https://www.debian.org
 : :' : OpenPGP fingerprint D1E1 316E 93A7 60A8 104D  85FA BB3A 6801 8649 AA06
 `. `'  Member VIBE!AT & SPI Inc. -- Supporter Free Software Foundation Europe

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