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Re: Handspring Visor & Debian

I have a Visor Deluxe and am using Debian testing/unstable with kernel
2.2.18pre21. It works nicely with gpilotd. You might want to get updated
gnome-pilot stuff from the nice folk at Ximian (formerly HelixCode). A few
of the conduits as packaged in the distribution .debs are broken (most
notably the malsync conduit). It does work for the most part though. I
hope that someone debianizes pilot-mailsync though since it has more
options than pilot-link's pilot-mail. Or is there a debianized
pilot-mailsync somewhere out there?

Sorry for the really late response, but I just subscribed to the list
recently and am catching up on the traffic.

eric pareja (xenos@gra.ph)  ~-=[O]=-~  Here, have a clue. Get the picture.
PGP key at http://gra.ph/~xenos/xenos.pusa.pgp  -|PLUG|-  http://gra.ph
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced."
    - Emperor Cleon in "Foundation's Fear" by Gregory Benford

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