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Re: On Bruce Perens and Dave Cinege, etc.

>>>>> "Britton" == Britton  <fsblk@aurora.alaska.edu> writes:


    Britton> Heck, I'd vote for Bruce if he ran for President.  Mayby
    Britton> this isn't what you were saying though.

I'd vote for him to.


    Britton> What I like about the term limits idea is that they
    Britton> permit authority to be rotated around regularly with no
    Britton> hard feelings anywhere.  I would feel bad voting Bruce
    Britton> out of office after all the work he has done.  Term
    Britton> limits make change automatic, which is perhaps good.

    >> This is not a yes or no on Ted Kennedy, but if he was doing
    >> that bad of a job wouldn't he have been out of office a long
    >> time ago? To buy

    Britton> So I take it you are from Vladivodstock or some such
    Britton> place?

Not at all. I wasn't saying yes or no to Ted. You can substitute any
politician you want. I used Ted because he was in an original post.

    Britton> I don't mean it to be unpleasant or ungrateful to Bruce,
    Britton> just the opposite in fact.  I don't like to think of any
    Britton> Debian volunteer stepping down after being voted out,
    Britton> term limits seem to me like a better idea for this reason
    Britton> and others.

I'm not sure I follow you on this. Term limits are good because they
make volunteers step down rather than being voted out?

Glenn Amerine                           Inet: glenn@pie.mhsc.org
Computer Systems Analyst		Voice: (614)224-1336
Metropolitan Human Services Commission	Fax: (614)224-6472

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