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Re: beta software ok for unstable? (was: Re: policy Q's WRT imapd)

>>"Jaldhar" == Jaldhar H Vyas <jaldhar@braincells.com> writes:

Jaldhar> As for the larger issue, while it is true that unstable will
Jaldhar> become stable eventually, surely this won't be allowed to
Jaldhar> happen until a thorough review has been made and all serious
Jaldhar> bugs removed?  I hope it will not be "at any time."

	Hahaha. In theory, yes.


 Date: 20 Mar 90 01:21:37 GMT From: merlyn@iwarp.intel.com (Randal
 Schwartz) $_=',Pr0e=kRcza0hb 5lOr+e"PE :rBe}hRtho]nhaj
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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