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Re: Commercial .debs

On 08-Jan-99 Jules Bean wrote:
> Of course, they might not want to be a debian developer.
> Note that, currently, to be a debian developer you have to agree with the
> DFSG.  Commercial developers might well not..
> Perhaps we could afford them a quasi-developer status.  Alternatively,
> they could easily use our support infrastructure (the mailing lists,
> -mentors in particular) without being developers.  Although, presumably we
> need their key in the keyring for them to make uploads..

If it's included on the distribution (or even in the non-free tree), there
should probably be a Debian Maintianer responsible.. either a current
maintainer engaged by the company or an employee of their own who becomes a
maintainer with all that it implies (Social Contract/DFSG/etc).

* http://benham.net/index.html                                     <><  *
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*  <gecko@debian.org>  * G++>G+++ e h+ r* y+                            *
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