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Bug#335789: cupsys-driver-gutenprint: photo output of Epson Re: Bug#335789: cupsys-driver-gutenprint: photo output of Epson Stylus Photo R200 is dark and green tinted

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Kirk Wolf <kirk@dovetail.com> writes:

> I've built and installed gutenprint 5.0 rc1 on my Ubuntu 5.10 box,
> and I'm seeing the same problem (too green, too dark) when using the
> Gimp plugin.  Its not really clear to me if this bug applies, since
> is mentioned speciifcally the cups driver.... does the color tuning
> addressed by this bug also apply to the gimp print plugin?

Yes.  It will affect any application using libgimpprint.

> Sorry for asking a newbie question, but how does one tell if the fix
> for this is included in 5.0 rc1?

Well, Andrew said it was improved, and I will take his word that is
the case--I don't have a suitable printer to test this for myself.
Apart from that, you'll have to build, install and test rc2 for
yourself.  You should be able to rebuild the current Debian package.

> On a related note, is there any tool available to a novice digital
> photographer that would allow for rough tuning of a printer?  I've
> seem the gimp print color adjustment dialog, but I have no idea
> where to start.... is there a tool that would allow you to print a
> test pattern, scan it back in and then roughly adjust the colors
> accordingly?

There's a cups-calibrate tool, but this won't help with the GIMP Print
dialogue.  The gimp-print package includes some sample images.  You'll
need to play with them and get the balance right.  If you want help
tuning the printer, your best bet is to ask on the gimp-print-devel
mailing list.  I suggest trying out rc2 first, however.

Unfortunately, there are not currently any good free software colour
profiling tools, to the best of my knowledge.  There are some
proprietary tools, but you'll probably need a Mac running OS X to run
them (but this is not something related to Debian, and I've never used
them myself).


- -- 
Roger Leigh
                Printing on GNU/Linux?  http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net/
                Debian GNU/Linux        http://www.debian.org/
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