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Re: state of the DSA nation

On Sat, 28 Mar 2009, Peter Palfrader wrote:

> = osuosl =
> rietz' storage subsystem is really weird.  It seems to hang for seconds
> to minutes at times.  Maybe rietz is really really overloaded or the
> hardware is not well.
> rietz currently is bugs-master and syncproxy.na.
> I suggest we move bugs-master to a kvm domain on dijkstra (don said
> that'd be fine).
> Once that happened we can re-setup it with amd64 userland, and then
> re-setup syncproxy.na.  Ganneff said that'd be ok with him, tho we might
> miss a mirrorpulse or two in the process.

It also still has women.debian.org.  It might make sense to move that to
widor, which is where wiki moved to.  Need to find out who is
responsible for women.d.o.

                           |  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **
      Peter Palfrader      | : :' :      The  universal
 http://www.palfrader.org/ | `. `'      Operating System
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