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Request to join the Python Modules Packaging Team

I want to join the Debian Python Modules Packaging Team. My alioth
username is alexandrequessy-guest. I am a new member of the Python-App
Team and a prolific Python developer. I think I should be member of
this team too, since I have a few modules to contribute soon, and
probably more later.

My name is Alexandre Quessy. I am a developer from Montreal. I am
interested in free software for new media arts, nameyl audio, video
and electronics. I have been using free software for many years now. I
am the co-author of some free software projects such as those listed
above. I am mostly interested in the Python and C++ languages. Amongst
the tools I like are Twisted, GTK+, GStreamer, gettext, the GNU
Autotools, bash and vim. I have a strong background in image
processing, music theory, web development, communication protocols and
software process management.

I am motivated to become a Debian maintainer, and soon an uploader.
Debian and Ubuntu are my favourite operating systems. I have ongoing
art projects with free software, and you can read about them on

Project on which in am author or co-author:
(I intend to package the three packages listed first.)
  * toonloop: Live frame by frame animation tool http://toonloop.com
  * scenic: Desktop application to stream audio, video and MIDI over
RTP http://svn.sat.qc.ca/trac/scenic/
  * lunch: Distributed process launcher http://svn.sat.qc.ca/trac/lunch
  * Other listed on http://bitbucket.org/aalex/

Specific Python modules I work on, or am interested in in the short-term:
 * python-portmidi
 * pygame
 * some python-lunch module soon. (I am the author of lunch which is a
new Python app in sid)
Alexandre Quessy

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