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Re: on keep providing python 2 packages

Hi Sandro,

On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 11:49:25AM +0100, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> > For example, I have a module (which supports both Python 2 and 3), but
> > the only user of this module is an app (which is Python 3 only).
> then this should be an internal module, installed in /usr/share/<pkg>
> and not importable via python -c "import <module>"

It was initially private, but then was split out into a separate module
because it can be potentially useful for others.

Since that, some third party projects are using it, but they are all
Python 3 AFAIK (module in question is pymarkups).

> i think we have to support python2 and python3 at the best we can, as
> we mandate to have py3k packages
> (https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/ch-python3.html)
> i think we should extend the same level of support to python2, until
> it will be decided to drop that stack completely

How about at least replacing “must” with “should” in the proposed wording?

Dmitry Shachnev

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