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Re: review for gtg/0.6-1

Hello Jeroen,

thanks for this important package review!

I've fixed most of your remarks. Here are the ones that I don't know
what to do:

> * copyright:
>  + public domain without explanation detailing exactly what exemption
>    the files in question have from default copyright restrictions.

I don't know what do you expect here. The current description contains
"No copyright is claimed". What should I add? 

> * autopkgtests:
>  + consider adding an autopkgtest based on the upstream testsuite.

The upstream provides two test datasets but no associated tests for the
installed application. Should I write them myself? (would be quite
complex as it's a graphical interface)

This was intense modifications of the package, but worth it! Thanks for
your time. The package is ready for a new round of review.

Best Regards,

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