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Re: Updating Flask to 3.x?


> So we mainly have basically two packages left, I might will find some
> time and look again into onionshare.
> ironic-inspector is maintained by the Openstack maintainers and I'm not
> familiar enough to check if a newer version would fix the current test
> issues.

Me as maintainer of onionshare got notice about this discussion here by a 
sidechannel. It would have made things a lot easier to me to spot the issue 
that onionshare is not ready for flask 3.x, if you had open a bugreport against 
onionshare in December.

I tried to package the upcoming version 2.6.1~dev1, where they switched to 
flask 3.x already, but unfortunatelly they switched from PySide2->PySide6 too. 
And PySide6 is not packaged yet for Debian :(

Pushkar opened a bugreport yesterday and also summitted a MR. I merged it and 
summitted a fixed version on experimental to test against Flask 3.x:

* https://bugs.debian.org/1061360
* https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-privacy-team/onionshare/-/merge_requests/3



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